Ini Adalah Ekselen | downgila

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ini Adalah Ekselen

Lu tahu lagu tu ekselen bila lu tak paham apa dia cakap tapi still lu layan gila lagu tu. Tak payah ulang "untuk dia hey" sampai 4 juta kali. Tak payah rap negeri sembilan pekat nak mampos dan tak payah menangis kat youtube mintak maaf kat peminat untuk jadi ekselen.

Yang lu perlu hanyalah 'true music' dan sebijik headphone.

"We don't stop playing because we get old,we get old because we stop playing"


Hendumst í hringi
Höldumst í hendur
Allur heimurinn óskýr
Nema þú stendur

Allur rennvotur
Engin gúmmístígvél
Hlaupandi í okkur ?
Vill springa út úr skel

Vindur í
Og útilykt ? af hárinu þínu
Ég lamdi eins fast og ég get
Með nefinu mínu
Hoppa í poll
Í engum stígvélum
Allur rennvotur(rennblautur)
Í engum stígvélum

Og ég fæ blóðnasir
En ég stend alltaf upp

Og ég fæ blóðnasir
En ég stend alltaf upp

Spinning in circles
Holding hands
The world is a blur
Except when you're standing

Dripping wet
Completly soaked
No rubberboots
Running inside of us
Wants to burst out of the shell

Wind in
And the smell of your hair
I hit as hard as i can
With my nose
Jumping into a puddle
Wearing no boots
Completely soaked (dripping wet)
Wearing no boots

And i get a nosebleed
But i'll always stand up again

And i get a nosebleed
But i'll always stand up again

Ekselen...ekselen..gua tak tahu tetiba gua sedih dengar lagu ni. Ekselen...cukup ekselen


  1. sigur ros kot. mesti le ekxselen

  2. gosh, deep down here. terasa!!! its a symbolisation!

  3. Kalau SNSD berapa kira lak?

    1. sama la konsep dia. apa la kau tanya lagi

  4. engko boleh nyanyi ke aku?

  5. Lagu mintak maap dekat peminat tu lagu sape?


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